Thursday, October 30, 2008

kate Chopin's comparison

Steven Elmore
October 30, 2008 AP English

In a lot of ways Kate Chopin’s life influenced her writing. The reason I say this because in her stories the women’s husbands cause them pain in someway. Another way her life influence her writing is some of her stories was writing about people she had met in her life time. The final reason I am going to use is in some of her stories the women loose their husband or a male figure that was in their life. These are the reasons why I say that her life influenced her writing.
The first reason I say her life influenced her writing is in her stories the women’s husband cause them pain in some kind of way immediate or later on. One example of this is in Desiree’s Baby Desiree’s husband in so little words disowned her which eventually lead to her death. Another explain of this is in The Story Of An Hour the news of her husband’s death cause her to grieve then cause a feeling of happiness then finally a feeling of disappointment , and because of all these sudden feeling lead to her death. Now the reason I say this could be influenced by her life is her own husband caused her a little pain. The reason I say this is her husband couldn’t even support her and their kids which is the man’s job. Since he was not a good a business man they had to move from their home in New Orleans to a small Louisiana parish. Because of these moves she met the woman she wrote The Awakening which caused her to be prosecuted and tortured. This led her to becoming struck with mute. These are the reasons why I say her characters were influence by her life experiences.
The second reason I am going to use is some of her short stories were writing about people she met in her life time. The reason why I say this is her short story The Awakening was written about a woman who was infamous in the French Quarter. She met her while living in Louisiana. Another reason why I say this is some of her earlier short stories were written about different people met and knew while staying in Louisiana. In a way I guess in a way it could be inferred that if she never had stayed in Louisiana she would not have been inspired to write some of the stories that she is famous for now. These are the reason why I say some of her short stories were written about people she met which is another reason why her life influenced her writing.
The final reason I am going to use why her life influence her writing is the women in her stories loose their husbands or a male figure that was in their life. An example of this is in Desiree’s Baby Desiree lost her husband because he though that she was of color. He though this because of out their child came out looking. An example of this is in The Story of an Hour Mrs. Mallard thought she lost her husband because her husband’s friend Richard thought he died which cause mixed emotion which lead to her death. So in a way even though he was still live she lost him because she died. This could be influenced from her life because she lost her husband herself. She even had her father die when she was only five years of age. It is because of these reasons that I believe that her life influenced the cause of her characters lost.
In conclusion I believe that her life experiences influenced her writing. first reason I say her life influenced her writing is in her stories the women’s husband cause them pain in some kind of way immediate or later on. The second reason I am going to use is some of her short stories were writing about people she met in her life time. The final reason I am going to use why her life influenced her writing is the women in her stories loose their husbands or a male figure that was in their life