Wednesday, November 12, 2008

Jeanne M. Malloy

Jeanne M. Malloy use a lot of difference reasons for explaining Poe’s reasoning for writing certain things in the “The Pit and the Pendulum”. I will first tell you about the main points she used. Next I will talk about how she argued those points. Then I am going to talk about some of the flaws that she made. Finally I will talk about what could have been added to help her argument. I will now talk about the main points she use for her argument.
To begin the author uses different points to prove the point of her argument. The first main point she used was Poe’s use of Apocalyptic (biblical) Imagery. To expand on this point she gives the reader reasons why Poe uses this. One of the reasons she uses was “Poe was attracted to the Bible’s “language of despair”.” The next main point she talked about was Poe’s use of the writing style, English Romantic, which she compared to the works of other authors. Some of these authors include M. H. Abrams, Wordsworth, and Coleridge. Not only did they write in the same style as Poe they also used Apocalyptic Imagery. She then went on to explain some of the story line in “The Pit and the Pendulum”. There were even times were she was explains lines of the story. She finally went on to talk about the change in the psyche of his characters. I will talk about how she argued these points.
The next thing I am going to talk about is how the author argued some of the main points she used prove her argument. The first way she argued Poe’s use of Apocalyptic Imagery is she gave verses from the bible. One of the verses she used was “ I saw seven golden candlesticks: and in the midst of the seven candlesticks one like unto the Son of man, clothed with a garment down to the foot, and girt about the paps with a golden girdle. His head and his hair were white like wool, as white as snow; and his eyes were as a flame of fire.” The next way she argued her point is she was constancy comparing his work to the work of other writers. She then used lines from the story “The Pit and the Pendulum.” The final ways she proved her argument is when she was talking about the psyche of his characters she gave many details and examples. I will now talk about some of the flaws she made.
The final thing I will now talk about some of the flaws she made. One of the big flaws that she made that I caught was she stated that Christ had gotten married. The only other flaw that I was able to catch was it was confusing and out of order. The final thing I am going to talk about is things that could have been added.
The Final thing I will talk about is some thing that could have been added to make her argument clearer and less confusing. One thing I would have added is more quotes from some of Poe’s other work. The reason I would do this is it seemed that Poe got lost in the all the comparison of other writers. The only other thing I would have changed is the way the order in which it is put. The reason I would do that is after awhile it started to get confusing.
In conclusion Jeanne M. Malloy use a lot of difference reasons for explaining Poe’s reasoning for writing certain things in the “The Pit and the Pendulum”. To begin the author uses different points to prove the point of her argument. The first main point she used was Poe’s use of Apocalyptic (biblical) Imagery. The next thing I am going to talk about is how the author argued some of the main points she used prove her argument. The final thing I will now talk about some of the flaws she made. These are some things she talked about.

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