Wednesday, December 10, 2008

The part of the rhetorical triangle I am going to use for this story is pathos. The first way I am going to describe pathos is how the narrator talks about her husband John. The second way o am going to describe pathos is her feelings towards the wallpaper. The final way I am going to describe pathos is how she feels about Jennie. These are the ways I am going to describe pathos.
To begin with I am going to talk about how the narrator feels towards her husband John. It can be inferred by the way the author wrote the story that the narrator really does love her husband John. The reason why I can say this is one of the main reasons she was trying to get healthy again is because of him. It could also be said that she would get a little irrated by him from time to time. The reason why I say this is when they first moved into the house she would consonantly ask him to change the wallpaper, now the thing about this that lead me to believe that she got irrated by him is her reaction after he reused to remove the paper after she asked him to do so many times. This is how I think the narrator felt about her husband John.
To continue with I will talk about the narrator’s feelings towards the wallpaper. The narrator could not stand the sight of the wallpaper at the beginning of the story. The reason why I say this is whenever she would write she would how much she can’t stand it. Then towards the middle of the story she starts to become infracted with the wallpaper. The reason why I say this is she watched and studied the paper so much that she started to see things that nobody else had noticed about it. Finally towards the end of the story she felt like she had to free the woman that she thought was trapped in the wallpaper. The way she tried to free her was to tear the paper off of the walls. The woman she saw in the paper was a metaphor of herself in the ways she felt trapped in the house. This is how the narrator felt towards the wallpaper.
Finally I will talk about how the narrator felt about Jennie. In the beginning of she just thought of her as a “perfect and enthusiastic housekeeper”. Then toward the middle of the story she stared to think that she gave her all the freedom that she wanted since John would not let her do anything. Then towards the end of the story she thought that Jennie thought that something was weird about the wallpaper. This is how I think the narrator felt about Jennie.
To conclude the part of the rhetorical triangle I used for this story was pathos. To begin with I talked about how the narrator feels towards her husband John. I then talked about the narrator’s feelings towards the wallpaper. Finally I talked about how the narrator felt about Jennie. These are the ways I described pathos.

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